Diffusers and oils

Gisa products have been designed for personal care through aromatherapy, a technique that uses essential oils to solve physical and psychological problems.
Essential oil is a substance extracted from plants, which determines their fragrance; each oil has its own beneficial characteristics, but also some contraindications that should not be overlooked.

Aromatherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses essential oils to solve problems and ailments on a physical and psychological level.
Many times when it comes to aromatherapy, people think exclusively to the olfactory use of essential oils, but in reality this discipline also includes other applications: topical (massages, packs, pure applications), inhalation and oral.
In fact, in aromatherapy essential oils can be used in various ways: < / p>

Skin application (i.e. for contact with the skin): baths and foot baths, massages, masks, muds, creams and lotions, packs.
Application inhalation : fumigations or ultrasound diffusion.
Oral application .

We offer a range of organic, 100% pure and natural items, in order to always guarantee the consumer a healthy, genuine and high quality product.